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Daily Announcements




CLUB FAIR – is today. It will held during all lunches in the library. Club Fair is an opportunity for all students to get information about the organizations that are available.


YEARBOOKS – are for sale! Get them now for the lowest price of the year with FREE icons when you personalize your copy! Order forms are outside counselors’ offices or you can order online. Today is the last day to get the yearbook for $40 and get the icons for free.


PROM PLANNING COMMITTEE – the first meeting will be held at 7:30am on Monday, September 9th, in Ms. Chapin’s room. There will be an after school session as well for students who are not on campus in the morning.


STUDENT COUNCIL – will have a meeting before and after school on Tuesday, September 10th. STUCO members must attend either before or after school in Ms. Chapin’s room.


DRAMA CLUB – anyone wanting to be involved with the Drama Club, join the Drama Club Google Classroom. Find the code on the bulletin board by the cafeteria.


STUDENT COUNCIL – please respond to the Homecoming Dance interest survey available on the graduating year Google Classrooms.


SCHOOL PICTURES – Ruth Kelly will be here on Tuesday, September 10th, for school pictures. Seniors need to take their panel picture on this day, as well. Order forms are available from your English teacher. Seniors do NOT need an order form; you will receive a proof sheet at a later date.


SENIOR CLASS PICTURE – will be Tuesday, September 10th at 8:30. The picture will be taken in the football stands, weather permitting. If you have concurrent enrollment or ICTC, you will be excused.


FCCLA – will have a chapter meeting Tuesday, September 10th, during all lunches in Mrs. Shope’s room.


LUNCH – today is chicken alfredo, buffalo chicken grilled cheese with french fries, strawberry salad, and meat lovers pizza.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hilldale Public Schools313 E Peak Blvd.Muskogee, OK  74403


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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