Curriculum Department
Hilldale Public Schools strives to ensure that all our students receive a strong foundation in core curriculum areas. The curriculum offerings are systematically reviewed and, as appropriately revised to ensure that the needs of all students are met.
We provide research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students. The school enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.
We are in the process of doing a curriculum alignment K-12 and hope to have within a few months a pacing guide posted so you will know what skills your students are learning and when they are learning it.
The goals of our school wide curriculum are:
- Assure more consistency in the instruction that we provide our students.
- Assure that the official curriculum is also the operational curriculum.
- Assure that the Priority Academic Student Skills that are being assessed by the Oklahoma State Department of Education are being covered.
- Offer the teachers an instrument that will support and allow for effective teacher collaboration.
Please contact Dr. Deborah Tennison, Director of Curriculum & Assessment if you have any questions or need further information.