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Title III/English Language Learners (ELL)

All students complete a Home Language Survey upon enrollment.  If a language other than English is spoken in the home the student is assessed with the ACCESS for ELLs language proficiency test to determine the student’s level of language proficiency per the Title III requirements of No Child Left behind Act of 2001.  Students are identified as English Language Learners if the overall score is below 4.8.

Students identified as ELL are reassessed each spring with the ACCESS for ELLs test.  When a student scores an overall score of 4.8 or higher the student is reclassified as Fluent English Proficient.

Hilldale Public Schools offers ELL assistance for students in grades Kindergarten thru 12th grade throughout the school day in the regular education classrooms.  We monitor the students carefully and if they need additional help in language to become proficient, we offer them other supplementary services such as after school tutoring and summer school at the elementary level.