Counselor Connections
December 2024
The semester is almost over! Encourage your student to keep up those grades and comes to school---attendance is very important!! 9 absences will require Saturday school.,
Student Council will be accepting donations to be taken to Country Gardens Assisted Living.
Character Word of the Month
Feeling or showing concern for others.
Compassion can be described as having genuine sympathy and concern as well as showing kindness and empathy for other people's sufferings and misfortunes.
The Student Council Officers will be delivering gifts and singing for the Country Gardens Assisted Living Center in December. We are looking for items to fill 50 gift bags with lotion, socks, lap blankets, brushes/combs, chapstick (lip balm), wordpuzzle books, etc...for the residents at the assisted living center center. Please send items with your child to bring to Ms. Wise's office.
Upcoming Dates:
Nov 25-29-No School, Thanksgiving Break
Dec 2-AIDS presentation for 8th grade
Dec 10-Donation items due for Country Gardens
Dec 23-Jan 3-No School Christmas Break
Halloween Fun