Early childhood programs should be appropriate for the age, developmental level, and special needs of each child. The environment should be modified and adapted to promote the participation, engagement, and learning of all children. Young children are integrally connected to their families and it is important to establish positive relationships with them as a whole that is based on mutual trust and respect. Teaching is based on the knowledge of content and how young children develop and learn. The learning environment fosters all areas of development: intellectual, language, physical and social/emotional; and provides the challenge for children to learn according to their individual growth patterns.
Early childhood programs should:
Provide curriculum that builds upon what children already know and are able to do to enable them to connect new concepts and skills.
Provide units or themes of interest that integrate and teach across all areas of the core curriculum (e.g., foreign languages, language arts including reading, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts).
Provide a literacy-rich environment arranged in all learning centers or learning areas (e.g., art center, science center, reading center, dramatic play center, block center). Each center will have a variety of activities for the children. This arrangement allows for a wide range of developmental interests and abilities within the same classroom.
Provide exposure to a wide variety of information and literacy experiences and the use of technology through daily activities in the classroom and/or media center.
Provide a safe environment designed for the developmental needs of the age group served and implemented with attention to the requirements and differences of the individual children.
Provide a climate that is active; one in which children interact with each other and materials while engaging in cooperative hands-on learning with day-to-day life experiences.
Provide a balance of classroom activities that are teacher-directed and child-initiated. These activities may be active or quiet, performed individually or in large and small groups.
Provide an environment that is sensitive to cultural, language, and learning differences among all children served.
Provide an on-going process of collecting information from multiple sources about a child’s needs, which may include observation, portfolios, screenings, etc., to determine an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in order to plan his/her educational services.
These curriculum guidelines are intended to be a recommended curriculum for children attending early childhood programs in Oklahoma. Teachers trained in early childhood curriculum theories will provide an enriched curriculum including the following skills and many others.
Book icons identify Information Literacy skills. Students are best served when these are taught in collaboration and cooperation between the classroom teacher and a school/community library media specialist.
There are basic principles or approaches to learning present for all children. Each child has his/her own unique approach to learning that should be fostered and encouraged as they grow and develop.
Standard 1: The child demonstrates positive attitudes, habits, and learning styles.
1. Demonstrates an eagerness and interest in learning.
2. Develops and expands listening skills.
3. Demonstrates self-direction and independence.
4. Demonstrates increasing ability to set goals and develop and follow through on plans.
5. Manages transition between activities effectively.
6. Understands, accepts, and follows rules and routines.
7. Develops increasing ability to find more than one solution to a question, task or problem.
8. Recognizes and solves problems through active exploration, including trial and error, and interactions and discussions with peers and adults.
Creative skills are developed by engaging children in activities with play dough, sand, water, dramatic play, blocks, creative stories, art, music, movement, and a variety of other materials.
Standard 1: The child participates in activities that foster individual creativity.
1. Demonstrates with increasing interest and enjoyment in a variety of creative activities, including listening, singing, finger play, games and performances.
2. Thinks of new uses for familiar materials.
3. Engages in spontaneous and imaginative play using a variety of materials to dramatize stories and experiences.
4. Works creatively using a variety of self-expressive materials and tools to creatively express ideas.
5. Moves freely in response to music and change of tempo.
6. Expresses thoughts and feelings through creative movement.
7. Experiments with a variety of musical instruments.
Young children need the opportunity to develop large and small motor skills through indoor and outdoor activities and games for the benefit of personal fitness and well being.
Large Motor Skill Development
Standard 1: The child will participate in activities that involve large motor skills.
1. Demonstrates basic locomotor movements (e.g., galloping, hopping, jumping, running, sliding, riding tricycles, pulling wagons, pushing wheelbarrows).
2. Demonstrates body and space awareness to move and stop with control over speed and direction.
3. Demonstrates nonlocomotor movements (e.g., bending, pulling, pushing, stretching, swaying, swinging, turning, twisting).
4. Demonstrates increasing abilities to coordinate movements in throwing, catching, kicking, bouncing balls, and using the slide and swing.
5. Coordinates large arm movements (e.g., easel painting, woodworking, climbing, throwing, playing rhythm band instruments, writing on chalkboard, playing with blocks, catching, and tossing).
6. Develops coordination and balance through a variety of activities.
Small Motor Skill Development
Standard 2: The child will participate in activities that involve small motor skills.
1. Demonstrates increased control of hand and eye coordination (e.g., using pegs, beads, pattern blocks, crayons, pencils, paint brushes, finger- paint, scissors, glue, and a variety of puzzles).
2. Demonstrates increasing control of small muscles in hands (e.g., using tongs or eyedropper, stringing beads).
Health Enhancing Activity Development
Standard 3: The child will participate in health- enhancing activities for the development of lifetime health and fitness.
1. Progresses in physical growth, strength, stamina, and flexibility.
2. Understands that healthy bodies require rest, exercise, and good nutrition.
3. Shows growing independence in following routine healthy behaviors (e.g., hygiene, nutrition and personal care when eating, dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth, and toileting).
4. Builds awareness and ability to follow basic health and safety rules.
Science knowledge is developed through experiences with real animals, plants and objects in the classroom and the environment.
Science Processes and Inquiry
Standard 1: The child will investigate and experiment with objects to discover information.
1. Develops increasing abilities to classify, compare, and contrast objects, events and experiences.
2. Explores and becomes familiar with simple scientific tools (e.g., magnifying glass, magnet).
3. Participates in simple experiments to discover information (e.g., bottles of water or homemade telephone to explore the vibration and sound, simple scale to determine heavy and light).
4. Ask questions, makes predictions, and communicates observations orally and/or in drawings.
5. Explores cause and effect (e.g., temperature determines clothing choices).
Physical Science
Standard 2: The child will investigate and describe objects that can be sorted in terms of physical properties.
1. Develops an awareness of the sensory attributes of objects according to taste, smell, hearing, touch, and sight.
2. Develops an awareness of the properties of some objects (e.g., float-sink, heavy-light, rough-smooth, hard-soft,
magnetic-nonmagnetic, solid- liquid, wet-dry).
3. Observes and describes how objects move (e.g., slide, turn, twirl, roll).
Life Science
Standard 3: The child will observe and investigate plants and animals.
1. Develops an awareness of what various plants and animals need for growth.
2. Demonstrates a beginning awareness of the changes that plants and animals go through during their life (e.g., seed/plant, egg/chicken).
3. Demonstrates a beginning awareness for the care of the plant and animal life around them.
Earth/Space Science
Standard 4: The child will investigate and observe the basic concepts of the Earth.
1. Develops an awareness of the properties of common earth materials (e.g., soil, rocks, water).
2. Develops an awareness of daily weather (e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, hot, warm, cold).
3. Develops an awareness of the four seasons (e.g., temperature, weather, appropriate clothing, changing leaves).
4. Observes and participates in a variety of activities related to preserving the environment.
OAC 210:15-3-5—210:15-3-5.9
Approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Education, March 24, 2011. Final approval pending by Oklahoma Governor and Legislature.
Social skills include interacting with others, work habits and self-help skills. To develop these skills, children need daily opportunities to develop the ability to negotiate issues that occur, to take turns, to lead and follow, and to be a friend. They also need to learn how to deal with their feelings in a socially acceptable manner.
Standard 1: The child will participate in activities to develop the skills necessary for working and interacting with others.
1. Plays, works and interacts easily with one or more children and/or adults.
2. Begins to develop relationships with others.
3. Recognizes the feelings of others and responds appropriately.
4. Develops confidence and stands up for own rights.
5. Shows respect for others and their property.
6. Recognizes and expresses own feelings and respond appropriately.
7. Develops increasing abilities to give and take in interactions; to take turns in games or using materials; and to interact without being overly submissive or directive.
8. Works independently and/or cooperatively to solve problems or resolve conflicts.
9. Seeks assistance from adult when appropriate.
10. Demonstrates emerging awareness and respect for culture, ethnicity, abilities and disabilities.
Standard 2: The child will develop the skills necessary for participating in a variety of settings.
1. States his/her full name, age, and name of parent or guardian.
2. Shows ability to adjust to new situations.
Social studies provide an opportunity to develop an integrated curriculum using civics, geography, history and economics. Learning experiences may be provided through learning centers, resource people, projects, and field trips.
Standard 1: The child will exhibit traits of good citizenship.
1. Works and plays cooperatively in a variety of settings (e.g., in large and small groups, learning centers).
2. Recognizes the importance of his/her role as a member of the family, the class, and the community.
3. Listens to others while in large and small groups.
4. Shows respect for others and their property.
5. Develops an awareness of how people positively affect the environment.
6. Recognizes patriotic symbols and activities (e.g., American Flag).
Standard 2: The child will demonstrate knowledge of basic geographic concepts.
1. Locates and describes familiar places (e.g., classroom, home, school, fast food restaurant).
2. Begins to develop an understanding of his/her community (e.g., home, school, city).
Standard 3: The child will discuss how children in various communities and cultures are alike and different.
1. Explores how children have needs in common (e.g., food, clothing, shelter).
2. Explores how children are unique as to languages, food, clothing, transportation, and customs.
3. Explores how families and communities build "traditions."
Standard 4: The child will explore various careers.
1. Develops growing awareness of jobs and what is required to perform them.
2. Identifies various school and community personnel.
3. Develops an awareness of money being needed to purchase things.
Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts | Pre-Kindergarten
Standard 1: Speaking and Listening
Students will speak and listen eectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading
and writing.
Students will develop and apply eective communication
skills through speaking and active listening.
Students will develop and apply eective communication
skills through speaking and active listening to create
individual and group projects and presentations.
PK.1.R.1 Students will actively listen and speak using
agreed-upon rules with guidance and support.
PK.1.W.1 Students will begin to orally describe personal
interests or tell stories to classmates with
guidance and support.
PK.1.R.2 Students will begin to ask and answer
questions about information presented orally
or through text or other media with guidance
and support.
PK.1.W.2 Students will work respectfully with others
with guidance and support.
PK.1.R.3 Students will begin to engage in collaborative
discussions about appropriate topics and texts
with peers and adults in small and large
groups with guidance and support.
PK.1.R.4 Students will follow simple oral directions.
Standard 2: Reading Foundations
Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
Phonological Awareness
Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize, think about, and manipulate sounds in spoken language without
using text.
PK.2.PA.1 Students will distinguish spoken words in a sentence with guidance and support.
PK.2.PA.2 Students will recognize spoken words that rhyme.
PK.2.PA.3 Students will begin to recognize syllables in spoken words (e.g., sunshine= sun + shine).
PK.2.PA.4 Students will begin to isolate initial and nal sounds in spoken words.
PK.2.PA.5 Students will begin to recognize initial sounds in a set of spoken words (i.e., alliteration).
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Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts | Pre-Kindergarten
Print Concepts
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the organization and basic features of print, including book
handling skills and the understanding that printed materials provide information and tell stories.
PK.2.PC.1 Students will write the majority of the letters in their rst name and some uppercase and lowercase
letters with guidance and support.
PK.2.PC.2 Students will understand that print carries a message by recognizing labels, signs, and other print in the
environment with guidance and support.
PK.2.PC.3 Students will begin to demonstrate correct book orientation and identify the front and back covers of a
PK.2.PC.4 Students will recognize that written words are made up of letters and are separated by spaces with
guidance and support.
PK.2.PC.5 Students will begin to understand that print moves from top to bottom, left to right, and front to back.
PK.2.PC.6 Students will recognize ending punctuation marks in print during shared reading or other text
experiences with guidance and support.
Phonics and Word Study
Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
PK.2.PWS.1 Students will name the majority of the letters in their rst name and many uppercase and lowercase
letters with guidance and support.
PK.2.PWS.2 Students will produce some sounds represented by letters with guidance and support.
Students will recognize high- frequency words and read grade-level text smoothly and accurately, with expression that
connotes comprehension.
PK.2.F.1 Students will read rst name in print.
Standard 2: Reading and Writing Process
Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
Students will read and comprehend increasingly
complex literary and informational texts.
Students will develop and strengthen writing by engaging in a
recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing.
PK.2.R Students will begin to retell or reenact
major events from a read-aloud with
guidance and support to recognize the
main idea.
PK.2.W Students will begin to express themselves through
drawing, dictating, and emergent writing.
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Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts | Pre-Kindergarten
Standard 3: Critical Reading and Writing
Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and
respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and
informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural,
ethnic, and global perspectives.
Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in
all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong
organization, well-chosen words, uent sentences, and
appropriate voice.
PK.3.R.1 Students will describe the role of an author
and illustrator, telling how they contribute to a
story, with guidance and support.
PK.3.W Students will use drawing, labeling, and
dictating to express thoughts and ideas with
guidance and support.
PK.3.R.2 Students will describe characters in a story
with guidance and support.
PK.3.R.3 Students will tell what is happening in a
picture or illustration with guidance and
PK.3.R.4 Students will ask and answer basic questions
(e.g., who, what, where, and when) about texts
during shared reading or other text
experiences with guidance and support.
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Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts | Pre-Kindergarten
Standard 4: Vocabulary
Students will expand their working vocabularies to eectively communicate and understand texts.
Students will expand academic, domain-appropriate,
grade-level vocabularies through reading, word study, and
class discussion.
Students will apply knowledge of vocabularies to
communicate by using descriptive, academic, and
domain-appropriate abstract and concrete words in their
PK. 4.R.1 Students will acquire new academic,
content-specic, grade-level vocabulary and
relate new words to prior knowledge with
guidance and support.
PK.4.W.1 Students will begin to use new vocabulary to
produce and expand complete sentences in
shared language activities.
PK.4 .R.2 Students will begin to develop an awareness of
context clues through read-alouds and other
text experiences.
PK.4.W.2 Students will begin to select appropriate
language according to purpose.
PK.4 .R.3 Students will name and sort familiar objects
into categories based on common attributes
with guidance and support.
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Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts | Pre-Kindergarten
Standard 5: Language
Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical
style to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts.
Students will demonstrate command of Standard English
grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and
other modes of communication.
PK.5.R.1 Students will begin to understand the function
of grammar through exposure to
conversations, read-alouds, and interactive
These standards begin in Kindergarten.
PK.5.R.2 Students will recognize concrete objects as
persons, places or things (i.e., nouns) with
guidance and support.
PK.5.R.3 Students will recognize words as actions (i.e.,
verbs) with guidance and support.
PK.5.R.4 Students will group pictures and/or use
movement to determine spatial and time
relationships such as up, down, before, and
after with guidance and support.
Standard 6: Research
Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, rene, and share knowledge.
Students will comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize
resources to acquire and rene knowledge.
Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate
evidence, and cite sources to create reports, projects,
papers, texts, and presentations for multiple purposes.
PK.6.R Students will begin to identify pictures, charts,
grade-appropriate texts, or people as sources of
information on a topic of interest.
PK.6.W Students will generate topics of interest and
decide if a friend, teacher, or expert can answer
their questions with guidance and support.
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Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts | Pre-Kindergarten
Standard 7: Multimodal Literacies
Students will acquire, rene, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and
interactive texts.
Students will evaluate written, oral, visual, and digital
texts in order to draw conclusions and analyze
Students will create multimodal texts to communicate
knowledge and develop arguments.
PK.7.R Students will recognize formats of print and
digital text with guidance and support.
PK.7.W Students will use appropriate technology or
media to communicate with others with
guidance and support.
Standard 8: Independent Reading and Writing
Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
Students will read independently for a variety of
purposes and for extended periods of time. Students will
select appropriate texts for specic purposes.
Students will write independently for extended periods of
time. Students will vary their modes of expression to suit
audience and task.
PK.8.R Students will demonstrate interest in books
during read-alouds and shared reading, and
interact independently with books.
PK.8.W Students will express their ideas through a
combination of drawing and emergent writing
with guidance and support.
5 | SDE.OK.GOV/SDE/oklahoma-academic-standards
Unit |
Full Objectives |
Unit 1: Math Meeting Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.1.1 Count aloud forward in sequence by 1s to 20(10). PK.N.1.2 Recognize and name written numerals 0-10. (5)
Unit 1: Whole Group Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.GM.1.1 Identify circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles by pointing to the shape when given the name. PK.GM.2.1 Identify measurable attributes of objects. Describe them as little, big, long, short, tall, heavy, light, or other age appropriate vocabulary. PK.N.2.1 Identify the number of objects, up to 10(5), in a row or column. PK.N.2.2 Use one-to-one correspondence in counting objects and matching groups of objects. PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.* PK.D.1.1 Collect and organize information about objects and events in the environment.
Unit 2: Math MeetingTiming 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.1.1 Count aloud forward in sequence by 1s to 20. (10) PK.N.1.2 Recognize and name written numerals 0-10. (5) PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.* (Both MM & WG) PK.D.1.1 Collect and organize information about objects and events in the environment.
Unit 2: Whole Group Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.1.3 Recognize that zero represents the count of no objects. PK.N.2.1 Identify the number of objects, up to 10(5), in a row or column.* PK.N.2.2 Use one-to-one correspondence in counting objects and matching groups of objects.* PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.* ( Both MM & WG) PK.GM.2.2 Directly compare two objects with a common measurable attribute using words such as longer/shorter; heavier/lighter; or taller/shorter.
Unit 3: Math Meeting Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.1.1 Count aloud forward in sequence by 1s to 20. (15) PK.N.1.2 Recognize and name written numerals 0-10. PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.*(In both MM & WG)
Unit 3: Whole Group Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.2.3 Understand the last numeral spoken, when counting aloud, tells how many total objects are in a set. PK.GM.2.3 Sort objects into sets by one or more attributes. PK.D.1.2 Use categorical data to create real-object graphs. PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.*(In both MM & WG)
Unit 4: Math Meeting Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.1.1 Count aloud forward in sequence by 1s to 20. PK.N.1.2 Recognize and name written numerals 0-10. PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.*(In both MM & WG)
Unit 4: Whole Group Timing 9 Weeks Objectives |
PK.N.2.4 Count up to 5 items in a scattered configuration; not in a row or column. PK.GM.2.3 Sort objects into sets by one or more attributes. PK.D.1.2 Use categorical data to create real-object graphs. PK.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, and extend repeating patterns involving manipulatives, sound, movement, and other contexts.* (In both MM & WG)